MPN Support Center

Kategorie - Promotion

All info about the promotion of your titles

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Artist details

Artist data comprises information on the artist, such as biography and discography, tour dates, promo texts, web links and so on.

Follow up links

In this field you can enter follow up links. Here too you can give the link its own individual characteristics.

Create a track list

You can place the track list under the menu item "Track data". After clicking on "Track data" a new page opens. Via "Insert track" you can place a track list of any length.

Track list

Once the product is placed and saved, on the right bar under product presentation other menu items appear, one of which is "Track data".

Add a video file

If you have a video data that is smaller than 2 GB and they are in these common formats (MPEG4, MPV, AVI, WMV, OGG, MP4) you can upload them immediately into MPN. Proceed as follows:

Add video

At MPN, you have the opportunity to place films as independent data or as an "embedded video".

Add video link

Should you have no video data but you have published the video on Vimeo or YouTube, you may post the link directly to MPN. The video is then retrievable within MPN as a stream and is not available as a download.

Automatic synchronization

Automatic synchronization ensures that each complete, applied product will be mediated the following night in the previously entered national authority (MPN AT and/or MPN CH). The promoter of the target authority can activate and sample the next day, so with little effort, music editors can see a new product.

Manual synchronization

Via manual synchronization products can, without hesitation, be immediately played in the desired national authority. Here too the prerequisite is that the product is complete (see automatic synchronization), before it can be mediated at MPN AT and/or MPN CH. The promoter in each national authority can then immediately create and activate the sampling.
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